Document Type : Research Paper



       Hosting in team sports has an important role in determining the outcome of a game. This research aims to address the influence of hosting on the performance of teams in Iran's Premiere League. The current research is of analytical- descriptive type as has been conducted as a field study. The data acquisition was done with the library method. The statistical population and sample are equal and include 23 teams of Iran's Premiere League during 2007-2008, 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 seasons. To analyze the data, kolmogorov test, single-variable  regression and Multiple regression were used. Multiple regression analysis indicated that, Home game score (0.996), Number of failures in home games (0.742) and Number of conceded goals in home games (-0.437), were determined as the strongest predicators of factors influencing sportive performance of football teams in premier league. According to the results, it can conclude that the increasing of home game score, decreasing of number of failures in home games and decreasing of conceded goals in home games, have effect on improvement performance of Iran football teams in premier league. In a nutshell, the results indicate that hosting have a noticeable effect on the efficacy of the teams in Iran's Premiere League.


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