Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this study has been investigating the relationship between authentic leadership and organizational trust among the employees of Khuzestan Province Sport and Adolescent Organization. The research method is descriptive correlational method. Its statistical universe is all personnel of Khuzestan Sport and Adolescent Organization in 2014-2015 (n = 145). Statistical sample has been determined according to Morgan table (n=120)and through simple random sampling. Measurement instruments of data was Olive Standard Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (2007), and Cummings Organizational Trust Inventory (1996); the content validity of questionnaires has been confirmed by 12 sport management professors, and their reliability has been analyzed through a preliminary study on 30 subjects, which Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient were determined respectively 0.88 and 0.84 respectively. Descriptive and inferential statistics (Pearson Correlation Coefficient, Stepwise and Multiple Regression) have been used to data analyze. Research results indicated that there is relationship of 0.59 between authentic leadership and organizational trust; moreover, the result of stepwise regression indicated that authentic leadership predict and explain 0.37 changes in organizational trust. It is possible that authentic leaders, through positive social interaction with their followers, make their employees more enthusiastic toward doing their job, and even experience more positive emotions. Authentic leaders increase employees' trust and respect by being conscious, being honest, decision making on the basis of internal ethical standards, and ability to realistic analyze.


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