Document Type : Research Paper



aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between spiritual intelligence to Internet addiction is a student athlete. Correlation method , population about 1,400 students were participating in Olympic Games. A sample of 302 people, according to Morgan table. King Spiritual Intelligence Questionnaire (2009) and internet addiction (1996 ) both validity and reliability had been confirmed . To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient , simple regression and multivariate ) at the significant level 0/05 software was used sppss 19. Pearson correlation analysis showed a negative correlation between spiritual intelligence and there is a significant amount of Internet addiction. Simple regression showed, 27/3 per cent variation on spiritual intelligence, the predicted Internet addiction among young people.
The results of multiple regression test showed that 8/99 percent of total changes in Internet addiction among young people is dependent on the four components of spiritual intelligence . Due to the increasing amount of Internet addiction and the importance of spiritual intelligence officials and specialists so be sure to have a special look at this issue.


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