Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of this study was to assess the effective indicators on transformation-oriented Leadership from the perspective of Youth and Sports General Department staff in Alborz Province. this study was a descriptive - analytic survey which was applicable in terms of its purpose and was fieldwork in terms of the methodology. Subjects of the present study were selected from all employees of the General Department of Youth and Sports in Alborz province (52 employees). Castiglione (2006) transformational leadership Standardized questionnaire was used to collect data in which Cronbach's alpha coefficient Obtained (0/98). Descriptive statistics and the KS test, UMann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis tests were used at the significant level α= 0/05 in order to analyze the data. The results showed the highest mean of variables related to the component of the charismatic characteristics (3/20 ±0/85) and the lowest one was belonged to the component of individual motivation (3/03 ± 0/86). Kruskal-Wallis test results also indicated that there was a significant relationship (sig=0/039) between the components of charismatic characteristics and the employment status of staff. The results of this study express that the most important factor in transformation-oriented Leadership is the charismatic characteristics of Leaders. Therefore, it is recommended that Leaders try to improve this effective component in transformation-oriented Leadership with creating the informal relationships, enhancing the communication with employees and attaching importance to the individual and organizational values accepted by the staff in order to make progress and effectiveness in the organization, consequently.


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