Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between cultural intelligence and ability of conflict resolution managers in the departments of Sport and Youth Hamadan province.The population of the investigation, including all the administrative managers of sports and youth and board of sports of Hamadan province is number 103 and the sample is proportional to the population size and the total number is considered.The research nature was descriptive – correlational which is among applied studies.To collect data,Iranian cultural intelligence questionnaire(2011) and Robbins’ organizational conflict resolution questionnaire (1996) were used in the present study.The indexes of ./82 and ./88 reflected the reliability of cultural intelligence and organizational conflict resolution questionnaires respectively.The inferential statistics used in the present study comprised Pearsons’ correlational coefficient and multiple regressions.The outcomes showed that there was a significant relationship between metacognitive ,cognitive and motivational components of cultural intelligence and the ability to solve conflicts by Hamadan Province Sport and Youth managers (p>0.05). Moreover, the component of cultural intelligence was an accurate predictor of the managers’ ability of resolving conflicts. Cognitive components of cultural intelligence showed greater influence on the managers’ ability of conflict resolution.
Key words:
cultural intelligence, ability of conflict resolution, Sport and Youth departments.


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