Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Management, University of Ilam, Ilam, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of payam noor tehran university

3 Instructor of payam noor Ilam university

4 Ph.D. Student Management Tehran shomal Branch, Islamic Azad university, Tehran ,Iran

5 Master in Industrial Management Bakhtar Ilam


The present study aims at studying the impact of organizational spirituality on improving job performance with intermediate role of ethical leadership among staffs of Sports and Youth Department of Ilam province. Statistical population in this research is staffs of Sports and Youth Department of Ilam province which are 302 people. Sample size consists of 168 people and their questioners were analyzed using Morgan table. Data gathering tools were Miliman’s organizational spirituality (2003); Goodman and Soyantek,s job performance (1999) and Dehagh and Den Hartog’s ethical leadership (2003) standardized questioners. The present research is practical in terms of purpose and it is descriptive Survey in terms of data gathering. Studied model has been analyzed using modeling of structural equations and Lizrel software. Results show that organizational spirituality has significant positive impact on job performance; meanwhile ethical leadership has an intermediate role in this relationship.
Keywords: Organization spirituality, Job performance, Ethical leadership, Sports and Youth Department of Ilam province


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