Document Type : Research Paper


1 sport management,sport science faculty,Kharazmi and Shahid Beheshti university,Tehran,Iran

2 payam nour karaj university


The purpose of this study was to determine the motivators of participants in the swimming sporting events of the Tehran Functions. The method of this research is descriptive and field-based. The statistical population of the study was swimmers who participated in swimming competitions in Tehran. For this purpose, 230 people (150 girls and 90 boys) were selected by random sampling method. The data gathering tool was Gil et al. Descriptive statistics were used to estimate the frequency of participants. By performing Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (K.S.) for data normalization and subsequent to non-normalization of data distribution, binomial statistical tests, Yu-Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis and Friedman tests to prioritize the motivators of participating participants Has been. The significance level in this study was determined to be <0.05. The study showed that the participation motivation of participants in swimming events in Tehran is desirable, and the level of education is less than the participation of swimmers. It was also shown that motivating factors have been effective factors in the participation of swimmers. There is a difference between the incentive for girls and boys to participate in sports, and the motivation for girls is more than boys among swimmers. The mean of motivation varies in different age groups, and the motivation and component of it in the participation of swimmers is not significant in terms of the level of history. Also, in prioritizing the components, entertainment and development, readiness, situational factors, grouping, skill improvement, success, Energy evacuation, and finding friends.


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