Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of sport management. Faculty of physical education and sport sciences. University of Tabriz

2 Sport Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran

3 Tabriz university


Volunteering is an effective lever to advance the goals of sports organizations. The present study aimed to provide a mapping model of social capital return based on the role of volunteers in sports organizations and using a systematic design of data theory and based on fuzzy cognitive mapping approach. The study population consisted of all sports industry experts, sports managers and officials, university professors and experts in the field of sports. The research samples were selected by snowball sampling method and the required sample size was determined based on theoretical saturation criteria. In-depth and semi-structured interviews with 13 people (achieving theoretical saturation and adequacy) and after identifying the main and sub-indicators in the return of social capital based on the role of sports volunteering to achieve research validity of a combination of continuous and long-term involvement criteria, continuous monitoring Researchers' attention (control) of colleagues, progressive mentality, participation of participants and use of multiple information sources were considered. In order to evaluate the reliability of the research, the agreement method of two coders and the researcher coding were used and based on the knowledge of experts, the relationships between the concepts were drawn in the form of fuzzy cognition maps. Excel, FCMapper and FCM EXPERT software were used to draw fuzzy cognitive maps and calculate the related indicators. Cognitive mapping indicators indicated that human resources, personal development, and financial resource management were the most centralized, respectively; This means that they have the greatest impact on the return on social capital based on the role of sports volunteering.


Main Subjects

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