Document Type : Research Paper


1 Sports Management Group.Faculty of Humanities .Azad University of Sari, Iran

2 Sport Management Department, Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch, Sari, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch


The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of Alexithymia on aggression in high school students with the moderating role of e-sports and providing a model of this relationship. This research is a descriptive survey in terms of strategy and hypothesis of this study are casual. standard questionnaires have been used during data gathering phase of study, including the Toronto Alexithymia Scale, the Bass Et al. Aggression Scale, and the e-Sports Scale. The construct validity of the questionnaires was analyzed by, first and second order confirmatory factor analysis method, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for assessing reliability was above 0.7, which indicates the significant and acceptable reliability of the questionnaires. The statistical population of the study includes all male students in District 2 of Mashhad. A sample of 400 students was selected in order to data analyze. Data analyze was done by SPSS software version 25, for descriptive statistics in first section of study, and in the structural equations section, Smart PLS software version 3 was used to design the research model. According to the results, the SRMR fit is lower than 0.08 and therefore the structural model of the research has a good fit. From the research findings, it can be stated that students often face various psychological problems due to their age and special sensitivities of adolescence, including uncontrolled anger, and emotions caused by school and school. And they are more likely to experience unpleasant issues such as social aggression. Therefore, the correct and planned use of the potential of e-sports to facilitate the reduction of aggressive behaviors is suggested.


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