Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student in Sport management Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Sport Management, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad university, Kermanshah, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Sport Management, Raazi University, Kermanshah, Iran


The present study was designed and conducted with the aim of presenting a paradigm model of organizational anesthesia among sports teachers. This study was a combined method and was a mixed exploratory research project. The statistical population of the qualitative section included experts aware of the research topic. The statistical population is in the quantitative section of all physical education teachers in Kermanshah. The statistical sample of this study was 150 people according to the frequency of the statistical population, sample size and the probability of sampling error. In this research, according to the objectives and type of research, a simple random sampling method has been used. The data collection tool in the present study was a semi-structured interview and a researcher-made questionnaire. In order to analyze the data of the present study, coding in the qualitative part and the method of structural equations in the quantitative part using PLS software were used. The results showed that the research model includes 14 categories and 58 concept codes that in the heart of the six dimensions of the paradigm model as causal factors (3 categories), the main category: organizational anesthesia among physical education teachers(1 category) Strategies (3 categories), contextual conditions (2 categories), interventionist conditions (4 categories) and consequences (1 category) were included. In the quantitative part, it was found that all 6 main components of the research have a good fit, so the research model has a good fit. Given that physical education teachers have a significant role in the development of student sports, it is recommended that managers and those in charge of education, use the results of the present study to increase the quality of life of this group.


Main Subjects

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