Organizational Behavior Management
Azadeh Soltanizadeh; Zinat Nikaeen; Zahra Haji Anzehaie; Jasem Manouchehri
Innovation can play a significant role in explaining strategic and functional approaches in organizations, including sports federations. The purpose of this study was to investigate the application of innovation in the relationship between strategic thinking and organizational performance in sports federations. ...
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Innovation can play a significant role in explaining strategic and functional approaches in organizations, including sports federations. The purpose of this study was to investigate the application of innovation in the relationship between strategic thinking and organizational performance in sports federations. Participants were the employees and managers of 13 selected sports federations, of which 230 people were selected by random sampling. Measurement tools included Lopez-Nicolas Organization Performance Questionnaire (2011), Prajgo and Sohl Organizational Innovation Questionnaire (2003) and Jane Lidka's Strategic Thinking Questionnaire (1998). The data were analyzed using Pearson's correlation coefficient and multiple linear regression at the first type error level of 0.05 with SPSS version 19 software. The results showed that there was a positive and significant correlation between strategic thinking (r>0.001, p=0.67) and innovation (r>0.001, p=0.71) with organizational performance. Also, strategic thinking and innovation could directly predict organizational performance (ADJ.R2=0.55). According to the obtained results, Innovation and strategic thinking improves the performance of sports federations' employees and enables federations to manage organizational challenges and perform better.
, Mohamad Hasan Peymanfar; najaf dehghan; najaf aghaei
This study aimed to survey of Relationship Implementing green management in sports organizations can change the way we interact with the environment. The purpose of this study is the role of green management on the performance of the Football Federation of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This research ...
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This study aimed to survey of Relationship Implementing green management in sports organizations can change the way we interact with the environment. The purpose of this study is the role of green management on the performance of the Football Federation of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This research is a descriptive correlation with the structural equation approach. The statistical population of the study included all managers and employees of the Iranian Football Federation, which is 157 people And the sampling method was total that 111 people participated in this study. The results showed that the researcher-made questionnaire used in this study had convergent and divergent validity and its reliability was acceptable and above 0.7 according to the numbers obtained for Cronbach's alpha and also the combined reliability. Also, the results of hypothesis testing showed that all factor loads of indicators are above 0.4 and the factor load of indicators is desirable.Based on the results obtained from the analysis of the research model, it was found that the executive factors of green management have a positive and significant effect on the executive actions of green management. Also, the positive and significant effect of green management executive measures on green management results was confirmed. According to the research findings, it can be acknowledged that the use of green management in the organization, especially in the football federation can have beneficial effects on maintaining the structure of the environment and improve the efficiency of the organization.
Abdolmahdi Nasirzadeh; ُMasoumeh Hosseini; samira Rafiei shahrbabaki
This study aims to investigate the relation between knowledge management and strategic thought with organizational performance of heads sport commissions of Kerman province in 1396 – 1397. The present study is descriptive – correlation. Statistical population of this study is comprised of ...
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This study aims to investigate the relation between knowledge management and strategic thought with organizational performance of heads sport commissions of Kerman province in 1396 – 1397. The present study is descriptive – correlation. Statistical population of this study is comprised of all heads commissions of Kerman province. In this study, statistical sample is made up of all mentioned persons in the statistical population, which is 70. By using whole enumeration method, these managers will be selected and examined. In order to investigate the research assumptions, Pearson’s correlation test along with SPSS software and structural equations modeling test along with LISREL software have been used. Research results showed that there exists a direct and conceptual relation between knowledge management and strategic thought with organizational performance of heads sport organizations of Kerman province. Also, there exists a conceptual and straight relationship between knowledge development, knowledge maintenance, knowledge transformation, transmission and utilization with organizational performance and between aim focusing, systematic perspective, intelligent opportunism, hypothesis being centered, thinking over time with organizational performance of heads sport organizations.
tayebeh jamehbozorgi; majid soleymani; gholamreza shabani bahar
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of managers' quantum management skills on organizational performance, with the mediating role of organizational intelligence in the Ministry of Sports and Youth, using structural equation analysis. The statistical population of this study, including ...
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This study was conducted to investigate the effect of managers' quantum management skills on organizational performance, with the mediating role of organizational intelligence in the Ministry of Sports and Youth, using structural equation analysis. The statistical population of this study, including all employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth, in 1398, 279 people were selected as a statistical sample. The results showed that the quantum management skills of the managers of the Ministry of Sports and Youth, directly or indirectly, through the mediating variable of organizational intelligence can affect organizational performance. Accordingly, managers' quantum management skills are 0.80 on organizational performance and organizational intelligence is 0.70 on organizational performance. Also, the mediating role of organizational intelligence due to managers' quantum management skills on organizational performance was confirmed to be 0.13. Therefore, the country's sports managers, by using quantum skills in the organization and using organizational intelligence solutions, can increase the competitiveness of the organization, and differentiate it from other organizations, and by using the available information, take advantage of competitive advantages and leadership To be able to feel the positive or negative changes, which will improve the performance of the Ministry of Sports and Youth.
Organizational Behavior Management
MOHAMMADALI sahebkaran; jafar khoshbakhti; Mehdi Soleymani
The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of social responsibility on organizational performance with the mediating role of organizational commitment from the perspective of employees of sports and youth offices in South Khorasan. The method of this research is descriptive-survey and the ...
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of social responsibility on organizational performance with the mediating role of organizational commitment from the perspective of employees of sports and youth offices in South Khorasan. The method of this research is descriptive-survey and the statistical population of the present study is all employees of sports and youth offices of South Khorasan province. Due to the limited statistical population, the statistical sample was considered equal to the statistical population (total number) (N = 186). In order to analyze the data and the relationships between the variables, Smart PLS3 software was used. According to the data analysis, the results showed that social responsibility has a significant effect on organizational commitment (r= 0.882) and organizational performance of sports and youth offices in South Khorasan (r= 0.316). In addition, for this organizational commitment has a significant effect on organizational performance (r= 0.592). The results also showed that social responsibility has a significant effect on the organizational performance of employees of sports and youth offices of South Khorasan through the mediating role of organizational commitment (r= 0.522). Therefore, all managers of sports and youth offices of South Khorasan province are recommended to increase the overall performance of their organization in order to have a more dynamic organization by increasing social responsibility and organizational commitment among the employees of their organizations.
Morteza Rezaee soufi; Siavash Khodaparast; Mina Ghorbandoost
The main purpose of this study was to develop a model of the impact of intellectual capital, with the role of knowledge management and cultural capital mediating the performance of staff of sport and youth departments of guilan province. The research method was descriptive-survey. The statistical population ...
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The main purpose of this study was to develop a model of the impact of intellectual capital, with the role of knowledge management and cultural capital mediating the performance of staff of sport and youth departments of guilan province. The research method was descriptive-survey. The statistical population of the study consisted of 170 staff members of sport and youth departments in Guilan province. Using a full-scale sampling method, a sample of 162 employees of the department was selected. To collect the required data, Bontistic Capital Questionnaire (1998), Hemmati Knowledge Management (2010), Bourdieu Cultural Capital (2002), and Hersey & Goldsmith (2003) organizational performance were used. The structural equation model was also used to test the research model in spss software version 24. The results showed that structural capital (Beta coefficient: 0/332), human capital (beta coefficient: 0/179), cultural capital (beta coefficient: 0/205) and knowledge management (beta coefficient: 0/310) had a significant effect On organizational performance, structural capital (beta coefficient: 0/304) and human capital (beta coefficient: 0/236) had a significant effect on knowledge management, structural capital (beta coefficient: 0/188), human capital (beta coefficient: 0/321) had a significant effect on cultural capital and structural capital (beta coefficient: 0/133) and human capital (beta coefficient: 0/139) with direct impact on cultural capital and knowledge management indirectly influenced the organization's performance.According to research findings, it can be concluded that for increasing the performance of organizations, the study of variables of intellectual capital, knowledge management and cultural capital was effective.
Majid Jalali Farahani; Masoud Freydoni
The main purpose of the present study was to model the effect of service and distribution leadership on dynamic job behaviors and enhance the organizational performance of the staff of the Ministry of Sports and Youth.The research method was descriptive correlational, in terms of target and in terms ...
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The main purpose of the present study was to model the effect of service and distribution leadership on dynamic job behaviors and enhance the organizational performance of the staff of the Ministry of Sports and Youth.The research method was descriptive correlational, in terms of target and in terms of data collection method was survey type. In order to study servant leadership, distributed leadership, dynamic job behaviors and organizational performance. Firstly, existing research in informational and library resources was studied and after several consultation and review sessions, effective factors were identified and in the form of a questionnaire and a conceptual model of the research, two times as Delphi method, the experts' survey was laid. A questionnaire was developed in the form of 9 questions for servant leadership, 6 questions for distributed leadership, 7 questions for dynamic job behaviors and 5 questions for organizational performance. Structural equations modeling was used to analyze questions.دThe fit model results (NFI=0.94, TLI=0.92, CFI=0.91, GFI=0.90, AGFI=0.91) indicate that the model is suitable. Also, the results of path analysis confirmed the effect of service leadership and distributed leadership on dynamic job behavior and organizational performance. The knowledge gained from this research helps managers and planners of sports organizations to focus on enhancing organizational performance through the development of specific leadership behaviors.
Esfandiar Khosravizadeh; Akram Kamankesh; Hosein Moghadasi; Karim Zohrevandian
The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between organizational justice and job engagement with organizational performance of sport coaches. This is a descriptive-correlational study that was conducted through a survey method. The statistical population of the study consisted ...
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The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between organizational justice and job engagement with organizational performance of sport coaches. This is a descriptive-correlational study that was conducted through a survey method. The statistical population of the study consisted of all active sport coaches in Arak sport boards (704 coaches) which 254 of them were selected as samples by stratified random sampling. The research data were collected through questionnaires of organizational justice by Niehoff and Moorman (1993), job engagement by Salanova and Schaufeli (2001) and organizational performance by Hersey and Goldsmith (1980). Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and one sample t test and regression tests in SPSS version 22. The results showed that there were relationship between organizational justice and job engagement (r= 0.16), between job engagement and organizational performance (r= 0.13) and between organizational justice and organizational performance (r= 0.58) of sport coaches of sport boards in Arak (P (05/0≥. But, only organizational justice could predict the organizational performance. In the other hand, organizational justice can improve organizational performance. Hence, it is suggested that the responsible officials should pay more attention to organizational justice, so that increases the organizational performance of sport coaches.
Shahryar Abbasian; Bahram Yousefi; Shirin Zardoshtian; Hossein Eydi
The purpose of this study was to investigate and evaluate the effect of organizational agility on organizational performance with the role of mediator of intellectual capital among employees of sport and youth departments in western provinces of Iran by presenting a model. The research method is descriptive ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate and evaluate the effect of organizational agility on organizational performance with the role of mediator of intellectual capital among employees of sport and youth departments in western provinces of Iran by presenting a model. The research method is descriptive and correlation based on the structural equation model. The statistical population of this study was all employees of sport and youth departments (Kermanshah, Kordestan, Hamedan, Lorestan and Ilam) (453 people), using 284 people who were selected using Krejcie and Morgan tables. For collecting data, three standard questionnaires of Intellectual Capital (Bontis) (1996), organizational agility Sharifi and Zhang (2001) and organizational performance of Yang et al. (2004) were used. The validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by the sports management professors and their reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha test. The findings showed that organizational agility had a 59% positive and significant effect on organizational performance. Intellectual capital also had a 45% impact on performance as an intermediary variable, and the effect of organizational agility on intellectual capital was reported as 71%, which had the highest effect in the research model. The test results of the research model indices were fit for fit and the research model was confirmed. These findings suggest that, in sports and youth departments, senior managers can achieve better organizational performance by providing the necessary platforms for intellectual development and intellectual capital.
Naeimeh Keshtgar; Seyed Salahedin Naghshbandi; Zahra Nobakht
Volume 4, Issue 3 , August 2017, , Pages 119-127
The overall purpose of the present study was to examine the perceived organizational support with organizational performance through the role of organizational mediation in the staff of the sports and youth departments. The research method was descriptive-analytic and correlation type. The statistical ...
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The overall purpose of the present study was to examine the perceived organizational support with organizational performance through the role of organizational mediation in the staff of the sports and youth departments. The research method was descriptive-analytic and correlation type. The statistical population of this study was the staff of the youth and sport departments of Tehran province. The population of this study was 420 people. According to Morgan's table, the number of statistical samples was 200. Which was analyzed by simple random sampling method. For data collection, the perceived organizational support scales of Eisenberger et al. (1986), Homs Catherine (2012) and organizational performance questionnaire Douglas, Worry and Harker (2000) were used. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Etagen correlation coefficient, Spearman test and structural equation model. It should be noted that in this research SPSS version 22 and Amos software have been distributed abnormally. Also, the results of the Eta coefficient test showed that there is no relationship between demographic variables (age, gender, marital status, educational level and service record) and perceived organizational support, organizational vocation and organizational performance among employees of sport and youth departments of Tehran province. Spearman test results show that there is a relationship between perceived organizational support and organizational vocation with organizational performance in the society under study. Also, the results of the intermediate model test showed that the variable between perceived organizational support and organizational performance is considered by considering the role of the mediator of the organizational vocation, is confirmed.
Shahram Nazari; Masoumeh Bakhit; Kamran Eydipour
Volume 4, Issue 2 , July 2017, , Pages 69-76
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of social undermining the functioning of the Directorate General of Youth and Sports Organization of Tehran province was the mediating role of job involvement. The research method is descriptive survey in the category applied research and the ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of social undermining the functioning of the Directorate General of Youth and Sports Organization of Tehran province was the mediating role of job involvement. The research method is descriptive survey in the category applied research and the field was conducted. The study consisted of all employees of the General Directorate of Youth and Sports in Tehran that their number was 150. The sample was considered as a whole number. In order to collect data three questionnaires of social undermining Duffy and colleagues (2002), job involvement questionnaire Ladahl and Knjr (1995), and a questionnaire Hersey and Goldsmith (2003), was used. Data analysis using LISREL software using descriptive and inferential statistics, And in line with further analysis of the correlation and path analysis was used to model the causal relations. The results showed that, social undermining effect by a factor of -0/37 as negative affects on organizational performance, as well as social undermining job with the mediation of conflicts caused by a factor of -0/42 indirect impact on organizational performance.
Hossein Eydi
Volume 2, Issue 4 , March 2016, , Pages 11-24
The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between social capital, job satisfaction and organizational commitment and performance of the staff of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The population of the study, 303 experts and directors of the Ministry of Sport and Youth, formed, out ...
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The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between social capital, job satisfaction and organizational commitment and performance of the staff of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The population of the study, 303 experts and directors of the Ministry of Sport and Youth, formed, out of which, 181 people were selected. The data gathered, four questionnaire organizational performance Hersey and Goldsmith (2003), commitment (Meyer & Allen, 1997), social capital (Nahapiet and Ghoshal, 1998) and job satisfaction (Minnesota, 1967). Formalized their validity, and reliability was obtained, using Cronbach's alpha for the questionnaire on organizational performance, 0/87, organizational commitment, 80/0, social capital, 86/0 and job satisfaction 0/90. The results of analysis on the structural equation model indicated that the model fit was good, and acceptable. And all paths (hypotheses) were confirmed with high confidence. In the meantime, most of the work on the relationship between organizational commitment and performance (54%). Social capital and job satisfaction are also each work 41 and 33 percent on their commitment.
Amirreza Bakhsh chenari; Hossein Eydi; Homayoon Abbasi
Volume 2, Issue 1 , June 2015, , Pages 11-19
This study aimed to survey of Relationship between Organizational Forgetting and Agility with Organizational Performance of Managers and Experts in Youths and Sport Ministry. The research method was descriptive and type of correlation. The population of all employees of the Ministry of Sport and Youth ...
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This study aimed to survey of Relationship between Organizational Forgetting and Agility with Organizational Performance of Managers and Experts in Youths and Sport Ministry. The research method was descriptive and type of correlation. The population of all employees of the Ministry of Sport and Youth (n =170), respectively. The questionnaire targeted organizational forgetting Jalali and colleagues (1389), and organizational agility Spitzer Questionnaire (2007) was used. For validity using the 10 sports management experts and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha, respectively, .85 and .93 percent were reported. Descriptive and inferential statistics (Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Pearson correlation and regression) were used.
Results showed significant correlation between organizational forgetting and organizational agility. Among organizational forgetting factors, Intentional organizational forgetting has most correlation with organizational agility. Regression analysis showed that organizational forgetting and its factors (Intentional organizational forgetting, knowledge management potential, organizational learning) anticipated 45 percent organizational agility. Also, among organizational forgetting factors, unlearning was most important anticipate of organizational forgetting.
Homayoon Abbasi; Fatemeh Sayadi; Hossein Eydi; Mahin Sayadi
Volume 2, Issue 3 , April 2015, , Pages 11-18
The purpose of this study was to Predict Employee Organizational Performance, According to the Organizational Silence in Office of Youth and Sports of the Kermanshah Province. The research method was descriptive and type of correlation. The statistical population of the study (228 person) consisted ...
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The purpose of this study was to Predict Employee Organizational Performance, According to the Organizational Silence in Office of Youth and Sports of the Kermanshah Province. The research method was descriptive and type of correlation. The statistical population of the study (228 person) consisted of all Employees in the Sports and Youth Offices in Kermanshah Province. According to Kerejci & Morgan, 163 person were randomly cluster. Instruments used in the study, were Questionnaires of Van Dyne et al (2003) Organizational silence and Hersey and Goldsmith (2003) Organizational performance that Primary reliability Was conducted Through a pilot study in between 50 person of the Employees in the Sports and Youth Offices in Kermanshah Province and was approved Then Total reliability were reported through Cronbach's alpha, with 163 participants in the year (1394) of the 0/73 and 0/93 For data analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics was used (K-S Test, Pierson correlation coefficient and multiple regression). The results showed that, significant relationship between organizational silence) r= -./19, P˂. /05 (and organizational performance. Also, the results of stepwise regression analysis Showed that organizational silence respectively can 27 percent of changes from organizational performance to predict. Therefore, we suggest to managers in the sports and youth offices that, through special attention to organizational silence provide Conditions for increase organizational performance.
Majid khorsandi; zahrasadart mirzazadeh; Mehdi Salatin
Volume 2, Issue 3 , April 2015, , Pages 61-68
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between learning capability and organizational performance in the General Directorate of Youth and Sport of Khorasan Razavi. The research mrthod was correlational and Population of study was all experts of the General Department of Sports and ...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between learning capability and organizational performance in the General Directorate of Youth and Sport of Khorasan Razavi. The research mrthod was correlational and Population of study was all experts of the General Department of Sports and Youth Khorasan Razavi formed. Due to the limitation of Population, all patients were evaluated and at the end of 71 questionnaires were returned. Data collection tools, is organizational learning capability (Gomez, 2005) questionnaire and organizational performance (Brown, 2001) questionnaire, and for data analysis using descriptive and inferential statistics in significant level was performed. The results showed that the sub-scale vision system achieved the highest average compared to other organizational learning capabilities. The organizational learning capability has a significant relationship with the organization performance. Given the linear relationship between the variables and the assumption of independence of errors of each other, Predictor variables (organizational learning capabilities), will account for 76% change in the organizational performance. Finally, it is suggested that managers for understand the importance of organizational learning and how Ayjadayn capabilities of staff, dedication nearest shop.
Volume 2, Issue 3 , April 2015, , Pages 89-102
The present research sought to examine the impact of the information technology (IT) and the management information system (MIS) on the organizational performance of physical education managers and experts in the education department of Khorasan-e Razavi province. This descriptive-correlational study ...
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The present research sought to examine the impact of the information technology (IT) and the management information system (MIS) on the organizational performance of physical education managers and experts in the education department of Khorasan-e Razavi province. This descriptive-correlational study was conducted on a statistical population consisted of all managers and experts of the education department of Khorasan-e Razavi in 2015. The sample size (N=62) was equal to the statistical population since the latter included a limited number of participants. Data related to IT were gathered using a questionnaire designed by Azizi et al. (2013); data related to MIS were gathered using a questionnaire designed by Mostafaei (2009); and data related to organizational performance were gathered using a questionnaire designed by Rezaei (2014). The validity of the questionnaires had been confirmed in previous studies while their reliability was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha which produced the following results: =α 0.817 for IT questionnaire, =α 0.958 for MIS questionnaire, and α= 0.925 for organizational performance questionnaire. Also, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were employed at the significance level of to analyze data. Results from Friedman test showed that subjects under study attached more importance and priority to the use of intranet and employee databases in the fields of IT and MIS respectively. Also, a significant positive relationship was observed between IT and organizational performance and between MIS and organizational performance. When compared to MIS, IT was a stronger predictor of improvement in the organizational performance of physical education in the education system.