Organizational Behavior Management
saeed ali sarlak; Hamid Foroghipor; Mohamad Nikravan
The purpose of this study was to design a comprehensive model for human resource management with an entrepreneurial approach. The method of the present study was mixed research. In this research, the foundation data method was used in the qualitative section. The statistical population of this research ...
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The purpose of this study was to design a comprehensive model for human resource management with an entrepreneurial approach. The method of the present study was mixed research. In this research, the foundation data method was used in the qualitative section. The statistical population of this research was senior managers of sports organizations, including managers of sports and youth departments and sports teams of Lorestan province. The number of statistical samples in the qualitative part was selected based on the purposeful method and 20 people and in the quantitative part the statistical sample included 289 people. Data collection tools included a semi-structured interview and a closed questionnaire. In order to analyze the qualitative data, coding was used as open, axial and selective coding and in a quantitative part, structural equation modeling was used. The results showed that the causal conditions include the attitude and responsibility of sports organizations to entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurial resource management is a central phenomenon; Strategies Having individual and organizational strategies; Interfering conditions for having an administrative and management system; Underlying conditions are the development and encouragement of entrepreneurship and the consequences are individual and organizational development. The final model of this research can be considered as a guide and model in the field of human resource management in sports organizations by sports managers.
Organizational Behavior Management
Mohammad Rasoul Khodadadi; Yaghoub Badri Azarin; Mehdi Djahangiri
This study aimed to provide a model of convergence organizational behavior of Sports organizations human resource in the public sport for all service supply chain using the fuzzy cognitive mapping approach. The present study has been done using a systematic design of data foundation theory and based ...
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This study aimed to provide a model of convergence organizational behavior of Sports organizations human resource in the public sport for all service supply chain using the fuzzy cognitive mapping approach. The present study has been done using a systematic design of data foundation theory and based on fuzzy cognitive mapping approach. Through in-depth and semi-structured interviews with 18 experts in the sports industry, sport for all, supply chain and Human Resource Management, the concepts and components of optimal Vertical and horizontal convergence model of human resource management of sport for all services were identified. After summarizing and formulating the issues raised by the experts, the supply and demand system of human resources in the whole chain, supply chain of human resources talent, optimization of knowledge and training in the chain, standardization of employment along the chain, matching of service compensation, monitoring and Human resource control and HR retirement program were identified as factors of horizontal alignment and cultural alignment, convergence of human resource information, convergence with customer and market demand and convergence with supply chain strategies as factors of vertical convergence of human resources in the sport for all service supply chain. Excel, FCMapper and FCM EXPERT software were used to draw fuzzy cognitive maps and calculate the related indicators. The indicators related to cognitive maps indicated that the supply and demand system of human resources in the whole chain, the supply chain of human resources talent and the monitoring and control of human resources have the highest degree of centrality, respectively; Finally, the effect of different horizontal and vertical convergence policies on mapping elements was investigated in two scenarios.
zahra hosseini; Habib Honari; farzad ghafouri
In recent years, migration of people is one of the problems of underdeveloped, developing countries and even some of the developed countries. Human resources play a central role in the sustainable development of countries. The present study sought to prioritize the causes that led to the migration of ...
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In recent years, migration of people is one of the problems of underdeveloped, developing countries and even some of the developed countries. Human resources play a central role in the sustainable development of countries. The present study sought to prioritize the causes that led to the migration of national team athletes from the country. This research was based on the purpose of applied research and on the basis of quantitative-qualitative (mixed) method. The statistical population of the study consisted of all medalists participating in the last two rounds of the Asian and Olympic Games, 177 of whom were randomly selected 118 according to Morgan table. In order to obtain the information needed for structured and semi-structured interviews with a number of coaches and champions of national teams through snowballing to theoretical saturation, the data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire. Questionnaire reliability coefficient (0.96) was obtained. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis with SPSS software version 22 and PSL3 software. The research results show that prioritizing the factors affecting the sport migration of national team athletes are as follows: managerial, social, political, psychological, cultural and economic. Each of these factors must be taken into consideration to prevent the migration of human capital to the country.
sadri .siyavashpor; ehsan amirhosseini; mehrzad hamidi
The purpose of this study was to present a model of factors affecting Social undermining in human resources in the Ministry of Education's physical education. The statistical population of this study consisted of all human resources of physical education of which more than 380 persons, out of which ...
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The purpose of this study was to present a model of factors affecting Social undermining in human resources in the Ministry of Education's physical education. The statistical population of this study consisted of all human resources of physical education of which more than 380 persons, out of which 181 were randomly selected and studied according to Morgan table. Data were collected through checklists to determine the significance of variables. And these data were analyzed at two levels (descriptive and inferential statistics). At the level of descriptive statistics, frequency and percentage were used, and at the level of inferential statistics, two-sentence distribution technique, confirmatory factor analysis, were used. The findings showed that the most important factors affecting wear are personal factors (weakness of professional ethics, job dissatisfaction and motivation), occupational factors (including job conflict, occupational stress and occupational involvement), management factors (including weaknesses Managerial, political work and unfair job promotion) and organizational factors (including poor organizational justice, inadequate organizational climate, insufficient salaries, inadequate benefits and inadequate organizational culture). The total fitting index of the optimal model has been obtained, which indicates a robust overall fit of the research model.
Abolfazl Farahani; Mehri Safarnezhad; Zahra Farahani
Innovation, entrepreneurship, job creation and applying them in private sports clubs are unavoidable issues among people. In such a condition, paying attention to entrepreneurship inhibiting factors including human resources (HR) inhibitions as well as behavioral inhibitions of private sports clubs are ...
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Innovation, entrepreneurship, job creation and applying them in private sports clubs are unavoidable issues among people. In such a condition, paying attention to entrepreneurship inhibiting factors including human resources (HR) inhibitions as well as behavioral inhibitions of private sports clubs are absolutely significant. So that by eliminating or reducing HR & behavioral inhibitions, the performance of sports clubs could be improved. In today’s world, those clubs which are involved in job creation and entrepreneurship are more successful. The present research is based on the experience of well-known managers of private sector in Iran’s sports scopes, field studies, and interview. What can be concluded from the present research about HR & behavioral inhibitions is as follows:attitudes and behavioral components of the Iranian society in dependence on the government body and high demands from government, distrust of human resources to private sector, jobbery of private sector, Government failure in transferring affairs to private sector, general belief of Iranian society to do things individually, rejection of sport community to the entry of capable people who are experienced in management and financial affairs but do not have sport background, ups and downs of security issues and investment security and its effect on the tendency to do things in the short term and quick impact projects, desire of managers to short-term profits, legislation and legal barriers to lead private sectors to quick financial incomes, high and formal control of managers, culture of task management, concerns about regulatory and monitoring organs, obligations to apply job standards
Majid Jalali Farahani; Masoud Fereydooni; Roya Zafari
Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2017, , Pages 41-48
The aim of this study was finding a model for the impact between organizational culture on organisational learning and human resources productivity among the staff of the ministry of sports and youth. The research was descriptive and correlation it was practical in terms of purpose. the population of ...
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The aim of this study was finding a model for the impact between organizational culture on organisational learning and human resources productivity among the staff of the ministry of sports and youth. The research was descriptive and correlation it was practical in terms of purpose. the population of this study was all employees of the ministry of sports and youth and its samples were 285 person which were selected randomly. the research background and theoretical framework of mediator variables were identified and then the primary model of the research was designed and a questionnaire was prepared according the model. After confirmation of the validity and reliability of the questionnaire it was filledby staff of the ministry of sports and youth. structural equation modeling was used for data analysis.The results showed that multiplier effect of Organizational Culture on Organisational Learning was 0.43 and multiplier effect on Human resources productivity was 0.63. Multiplier effect of Organisational Learning on Human resources productivity was also achieved 0.53. The model that was presented in this study confirmed the impact of Organizational Culture Organisational Learning on Human resources productivity. Finally, according to the findings of this model it is suggested tochange or amended characteristics that are undesirable and ineffective bymanagement of changeing culture, and hence to increase organizational learning and labor productivity.