Ebrahim Alidoust Gahfarokhi; Mobin Haji Hasani; Hosein Eyvazi
The purpose of this study was to Analysis and Model Presentation of the Service Compensation System in Employee Retention that Case Study of the General Directorate of Sport and Youth in Zanjan Province. The research method was of a correlative- descriptive type. The population and statistical sample ...
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The purpose of this study was to Analysis and Model Presentation of the Service Compensation System in Employee Retention that Case Study of the General Directorate of Sport and Youth in Zanjan Province. The research method was of a correlative- descriptive type. The population and statistical sample of the study included all managers, experts and employees of the General Directorate of Sport and Youth in Zanjan Province. Data collection tool was a standard questionnaire whose reliability and validity were confirmed by Cronbach's alpha. The descriptive methods were used to analyze the data, and to determine the effects, was used the structural equation modeling (SEM) through the software PLS & SPSS. The results obtained for the path analysis show that the service compensation system with an intensity of «0.610», salary & wage «0.764», intra-organizational equality «0/824», Extra-organizational equality «0.832», reward «0.854» & insurance and pension «0/794» on the affect employee retention. Also were a significant relationship and positive between all variables of research and staff retention. The general directorate of sport and youth in zanjan province with a proper recognition of the effect of the service compensation system dimensions on the increase employee satisfaction will can provide the means to maintain them at the level organization.
Leila Ghorbani Ghahfarokhi; Marziyeh Kalaninasab; Masoumeh Yarahmadi; Fariborz Fathi
Volume 5, Issue 1 , April 2018, , Pages 45-54
This study examined the role of organizational structure in the use of participatory management in between the workers of sport and youth organization of Hormozgan. The purpose of applied research and the method of cross correlation. Statics society definded equal of Statics sample to 97 numbers. After ...
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This study examined the role of organizational structure in the use of participatory management in between the workers of sport and youth organization of Hormozgan. The purpose of applied research and the method of cross correlation. Statics society definded equal of Statics sample to 97 numbers. After distribution of questionnaires. The purpose of applied research and the method of cross correlation. For collecting research data, we used Robin's organizational structure standardized questionnaire (1987) and participative management questionnaire derived from Nazari kemishani (1384). The questionnaires were validity by ten teachers elite sport management were approve and reliability by Cronbach's alpha (0.90) and (0.87). The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson Order correlation and multiple regression and structural equation with Lisrel and spss 21 software. The data analysis showed that the organizational structure (Complexity, formality and concentration) a significant inverse relationship between the level (P ≥0 / 01) there. Effect of participative management complexity 50 percent and reverse (absolute value of a significant number 3/33), Recognize the collaborative management and reverse the effects of the 55%. (Absolute value of a significant number 2/37) and Effect of participative management concentration 89 percent and reverse (absolute value of a significant number 5/14) is. Also the three dimensions of organizational structure by 63 percent Participatory management, explain. So we can say the organizational structure is an important factor in collaborative management and the importance of participatory management the staffs of sport and youth organization of Hormozgan should be considered.
Abbas Fakhrani; Hasan Gharayagh Zandi; Mohsen Abbasi
Volume 4, Issue 2 , July 2017, , Pages 89-99
This study was examine relationship between Psychological factors of Human Capital and Organizational Agility in North Khorasan Administration of Sport and Youth. Statistical population was 105 person that all of them were selected as statistical sample. The research instrument was organizational agility ...
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This study was examine relationship between Psychological factors of Human Capital and Organizational Agility in North Khorasan Administration of Sport and Youth. Statistical population was 105 person that all of them were selected as statistical sample. The research instrument was organizational agility questionnaire from Sharifi and Zhang (2001) and human capital assessment scale of Naderi (2011). Their reliability with 30 questionnaires distributed prior to the implementation of research by using Cronbach's alpha (human capital α=0.8954 and organizational agility α = 0.812) obtained and validity of questionnaires confirmed by 12 experts. For data analysis, descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation and percent) and inferential statistics (k-s tests, one-sample t-test, pearson coefficient of correlation and stepwise multiple regression) used. Results showed: the status of Psychological factors of Human capital in North Khorasan Administration of Sport and Youth was upper than average (mean=3.443). Organizational agility status was upper than average (mean=3.421). there was significant and positive correlation between total index of human capital and organizational agility (r= 0.645). Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that components of human capital, cognitive skill with coefficient (R=0.457) and meta-cognitive competences (R=0.510) can predict organizational agility. So we can conclude that whatever human capital of personnel be more we can see more organizatinal agility.
Reza Saboonchi; Ffatemeh Ppazhouhan
Volume 3, Issue 1 , May 2016, , Pages 77-83
The purpose of the present research is to design a model of structural theorem of interpersonal trust and political behavior on the effectiveness of personnel in workplaces of sport and youth in Hamedan and Kermanshah provinces. The research methodology is survey research and correlative survey. The ...
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The purpose of the present research is to design a model of structural theorem of interpersonal trust and political behavior on the effectiveness of personnel in workplaces of sport and youth in Hamedan and Kermanshah provinces. The research methodology is survey research and correlative survey. The statistic group is all employees of sport and youth offices consisting of 168 individuals. The selected research sample is a whole measurement that finally 152 questionnaires are received. For gathering data three questionnaires of interpersonal trust of Cook and Wall (1980), DuBrin’s questionnaire of Political Behavior (1987), and Moghimi’s questionnaire of Effectiveness are used. The validity of questionnaires are affirmed by ten professors of sport management. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by Cronbach’s Alpha method which for questionnaires of interpersonal trust, Political Behavior, and Effectiveness are (0.80, 0.79, and 0.83) respectively. For analyzing the data, Pierson’s coefficient correlation and model of Structural Theorem were used. The range of parameters of GFI=0.93, AGFI=0.91, NFI=0.95, CFI=0.97, RMSEA=0.033 represented that the structural model was proper. The findings showed that the component of political behavior with Beta coefficient (0.47) is a stronger forecaster than interpersonal trust with Beta coefficient (0.39) for effectiveness. It means that interpersonal trust and political behavior lead to more effectiveness between personnel in workplace.
Gholamreza Shabanibahar; Mohsen Loghmani; Amin Ghavimi
Volume 1, Issue 4 , January 2015, , Pages 91-102
Regarding to scholars neglects for studying another different models, this research was designed with aim of investigating the role of organizational culture dimensions on effectiveness in sports and youth offices of Hamadan. Numbers of 111 employees from eight sport and youth offices of Hamadan province ...
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Regarding to scholars neglects for studying another different models, this research was designed with aim of investigating the role of organizational culture dimensions on effectiveness in sports and youth offices of Hamadan. Numbers of 111 employees from eight sport and youth offices of Hamadan province selected by Morgan and Kerejci Table and responded to organizational effectiveness in sport and organizational culture questionnaires. Validity of questionnaires was confirmed by 12 sport management experts and their reliability calculated .97 and .90, respectively. In addition of exist of strong correlation between all components of organizational culture with the organizational effectiveness stepwise linear regression analysis results indicated that components of organizational continuity (β= .16, t= 2.13), strategic emphasis (β= .29, t= 4.29), success criteria (β= .42, t= 5.85) and distinctive characteristics (β= .14, t= 2.23) were the best predictors of organizational effectiveness. According to these findings, it seems that various departments of sports require organic models and we recommend to administrators, in addition to maintaining the balance of four models of organizational effectiveness in the sport organizations, making of organizational culture in generally and competitive values and emphasizing on the long-term goals in especially for designing structure of their organization.