Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this study was Explain the relationship organizational forgetting and organizational learning and organizational agility in staff of Office of Youth and Sports in Hamadan province. The study sample included all formal and informal workers and youth and sports organizations in Hamedan province, that their number was equal with 147 people. For determined sample static Used the table Morgan krejcie that 105 subjects were selected random sampling proportional to size. To collect data used from three questionnaires, organizational learning, organizational agility and purposeful forgetting the reliability of the questionnaire conducted a pilot study study to be equal to 86 /894 / and 844 /. Also for face and content validity of the questionnaire and management of sports professionals and doctoral students in the field of sport management and validity of the questionnaire was verified. For Data analysis) were used, descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Kolmogorof- Smirnof test, Pearson correlation and multiple regression, path analysis.results show that there are relationship between learning organizational and forgetting proposal with organizational agility and organizational learning could be good prediction for organizational agility.


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