Organizational Behavior Management
Mohammad Pourpanahi Kaltapeh; Parivash Nourbakhsh; Mahvash Noorbaksh; Hossein Sepasi
The purpose of this research is to design a model of causal relationships between political behavior with job performance and the role of ethical leadership and social exchange perceptions as mediators in employees of sport organizations. The present research is correlational with structural equation ...
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The purpose of this research is to design a model of causal relationships between political behavior with job performance and the role of ethical leadership and social exchange perceptions as mediators in employees of sport organizations. The present research is correlational with structural equation modeling approach, which has been done in a survey form. The statistical population was employees of sports organizations in the northwest of the country(699). By the Cochran's formula, the statistical sample size with an error rate of 0.05 and by stratified random samplying was 248 people. Four questionnaire were ued for measuring variables.Validity and reliability of instruments reported successful. The results showed political behavior with job performance (t.value= 9.01, effect coefficient= 0.36); Ethical leadership (t. value = 32.78, effect coefficient = 0.71) and perceptions of social exchange (t. value = 29.04, effect coefficient= 0.67) have a positive and significant relationship. Also, the results of Sobel test showed that the variable of political behavior through moral leadership as well as perceptions of social exchange has a significant relationship with job performance and both variables were confirmed as mediators. Due to the importance of political behavior and its undeniable nature in sports organizations, managers should act in a way that by ethical leadership and creating perceptions of social exchange among employees to guide their job performance in a desirable way.
fereshteh kotobi; mohsen fallah; Mohammad Mirrokni; majid namvar
The purpose of this study was to design a model for mediating the role of organizational citizenship behavior in relation to causal jihadi management and organizational virtue with the political behavior of employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth. The research method is descriptive-correlational ...
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The purpose of this study was to design a model for mediating the role of organizational citizenship behavior in relation to causal jihadi management and organizational virtue with the political behavior of employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth. The research method is descriptive-correlational and applied in terms of purpose. The statistical population of this study was the employees of the Deputy for Management Development and Support Resources of the Ministry of Sports and Youth and its number is 290 people. According to Cochran's formula, the number of samples was 127. The data collection tools of this study were Hejazifar Jihadi Management Questionnaire (2015), Organizational Virtue of Cameron et al. (2004), Shaker Ardakani Organizational Citizenship Behavior (2015) and Amir Sheibani (2001) Political Behavior. Structural equation modeling method under Smart PLS3 software was used to investigate the research model and validate the hypotheses. The results showed, it was found that the variable of jihadi management has a positive and significant effect on organizational virtue. Also, the positive and significant effect of organizational virtue on organizational citizenship behavior and organizational citizenship behavior on employees' political behavior was confirmed. But the effect of jihadi management variable on citizenship behavior was not confirmed. Regarding mediation relations, it was found that organizational virtue mediates the effect of jihadi management on organizational citizenship behavior. Citizenship behavior also plays a mediating role in the relationship between organizational virtue variables and employees' political behavior. However, the effect of mediating the variable of organizational citizenship behavior in the relationship between jihadi management and political behavior of employees was not confirmed.
Rasoul Nazarii; Fariba Rafeei Dehkordi; Rahim Ramezani Nejad
Political behavior in the organization is a paradoxical issue, and despite its positive and negative bipolar view, it is an integral part of the organizational life. The purpose of this study is to present a model of political behavior in the strategic decision making of sports managers in the country. ...
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Political behavior in the organization is a paradoxical issue, and despite its positive and negative bipolar view, it is an integral part of the organizational life. The purpose of this study is to present a model of political behavior in the strategic decision making of sports managers in the country. Its method has been qualitative and it is exploratory-fundamental in nature. Research data were collected through snowball sampling technique and based on in-depth interviews with 12 physical education elites in university sports (including senior managers of university physical education departments and managers and experts of general directorate of physical education). Data were coded and analyzed based on grounded theory and Charms' constructivist approach. Results of analyzing the qualitative data obtained from the interview, presenting the model of political behavior and decision-making of sports managers in the form of 8 main codes of integration of categories were formed based on the existing relationships between them, based on the political behavior of managers. The conclusion of this study is our reasoning about the positive and negative aspects of political behavior, which is the influencing ability of these factors on the strategic decisions of sports managers. According to many interviewees, the most important positive aspect of the political behavior is also achieving goals in the shortest time with the least cost, and deviating from the goals of the organization is mentioned as a negative factor in the political behavior of sports managers.
Akbar Farid fathi; Razieh Valizade
The aim of this study is to identify the factors affecting the political behavior of managers of sports federations. The research methodology is an applied and descriptive-analytical type that has been done in field form.The statistical population of the study was faculty members and graduate students ...
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The aim of this study is to identify the factors affecting the political behavior of managers of sports federations. The research methodology is an applied and descriptive-analytical type that has been done in field form.The statistical population of the study was faculty members and graduate students of various disciplines in the field of sport familiar with the concept of political behavior and managers of sports federations with700 people. Based on Morgan's table, 248 people were randomly selected for research sample.In order to achieve the research goals, a 39-item researcher-made questionnaire was used. Its formal and content validity was confirmed by 17 sports management specialists and its validity was verified and verified by a confirmatory factor analysis.The reliability of the questionnaire was also calculated in a preliminary study with 30 subjects and with Cronbach's alpha of 0.82..To analyze the data, descriptive statistical methods such as Kolmogorov Smirnov, verificatory and exploratory factor analysis with the rotation of Varmix, Friedman and using SPSS software Session 20 were used.The research findings showed that the priorities of communication, behavioral, intelligence, negotiation skills, scientific, managerial and leadership, cognitive and value, and technical-empirical factors were identified and influenced the political behavior of the managers of sports federations, respectively.
Loghman Keshavarz; Abolfazl Farahani; Mojtaba Shahrsabz
Volume 3, Issue 1 , May 2016, , Pages 23-30
The purpose of this research was to determine regressive analysis of the political intelligence and the political behavior of the general administration of youth and sport and the sport boards managers’ in Fars Province. Statistical population included all managers of Fars general administration ...
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The purpose of this research was to determine regressive analysis of the political intelligence and the political behavior of the general administration of youth and sport and the sport boards managers’ in Fars Province. Statistical population included all managers of Fars general administration of Youth and Sport and the sport boards (N = 114). Based on the Morgan table 86 managers were chosen simple randomly method for research sample. The Cooke, Kooli, Hilary, and Kout (1999) questionnaire of political intelligence with 20 questions and Atashpour (2010) questionnaire of political behavior with 29 questions were used to achieve the research objectives. Validity of the two questionnaires was confirmed by 15 experts of sport management and their reliability were studied in a pilot study with 30 subjects and calculated as 0.84, and 0.81 respectively. Analysis of the collected data done by descriptive approach and inferential statistics methods, including K-S, single sample t-test, regression through SPSS software. Results of the research showed that political intelligence and political behavior of managers are desirable and moderate level. There is a significant relationship between political intelligence and political behavior of managers. Finally the political intelligence predictable political behavior of managers is 66%.
Reza Saboonchi; Ffatemeh Ppazhouhan
Volume 3, Issue 1 , May 2016, , Pages 77-83
The purpose of the present research is to design a model of structural theorem of interpersonal trust and political behavior on the effectiveness of personnel in workplaces of sport and youth in Hamedan and Kermanshah provinces. The research methodology is survey research and correlative survey. The ...
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The purpose of the present research is to design a model of structural theorem of interpersonal trust and political behavior on the effectiveness of personnel in workplaces of sport and youth in Hamedan and Kermanshah provinces. The research methodology is survey research and correlative survey. The statistic group is all employees of sport and youth offices consisting of 168 individuals. The selected research sample is a whole measurement that finally 152 questionnaires are received. For gathering data three questionnaires of interpersonal trust of Cook and Wall (1980), DuBrin’s questionnaire of Political Behavior (1987), and Moghimi’s questionnaire of Effectiveness are used. The validity of questionnaires are affirmed by ten professors of sport management. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by Cronbach’s Alpha method which for questionnaires of interpersonal trust, Political Behavior, and Effectiveness are (0.80, 0.79, and 0.83) respectively. For analyzing the data, Pierson’s coefficient correlation and model of Structural Theorem were used. The range of parameters of GFI=0.93, AGFI=0.91, NFI=0.95, CFI=0.97, RMSEA=0.033 represented that the structural model was proper. The findings showed that the component of political behavior with Beta coefficient (0.47) is a stronger forecaster than interpersonal trust with Beta coefficient (0.39) for effectiveness. It means that interpersonal trust and political behavior lead to more effectiveness between personnel in workplace.