Samaneh Saeidpour; Najaf Aghaei; Alireza Elahi
The aim of this study was to determine the role of social responsibility on the team's performance of Persepolis Club with the mediating of fans' satisfaction. The research method is descriptive and type of correlation with structural equation approach. The statistical population of all fans of Persepolis ...
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The aim of this study was to determine the role of social responsibility on the team's performance of Persepolis Club with the mediating of fans' satisfaction. The research method is descriptive and type of correlation with structural equation approach. The statistical population of all fans of Persepolis Club and sample size was 395 according to Morgan table. For collecting research data was used from a questionnaire Galbraith's (2010) social responsibility, Oliver's (1993) satisfaction, and a questionnaire from Glenn (2003), Hosseini (1395), Cooper and Suter (2011) were used to measure team performance. The content validity and formality of the questionnaires were confirmed by 10 sports management professors, structural validity through convergent and divergent validity and reliability using Cronbach's alpha and combined reliability. To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistics were used with structural equation modeling (SEM) approach. The results were analyzed using SPSS 22 and Smart PLS 3 software. Findings from the research report the direct and positive effects of social responsibility on team performance and fans' satisfaction, as well as the direct and positive effects of satisfaction on team performance. In addition, the minor role of mediator of satisfaction in relation to social responsibility and team performance was confirmed. It is suggested that the Managers, coaches and players of Persepolis Club, with their social responsibility, in the four dimensions of economic, ethical, legal and humanitarian, increase the satisfaction and club team performance from fans' perspective.
Marjan Saffari; Erfan Moradi
Volume 5, Issue 1 , April 2018, , Pages 11-22
The purpose of this study was to determine the causal relationship between pull and push motives on the behavior of sports tourists: the Mediating role of satisfaction. The methodology of the present research has been applied in terms of purpose, and from the perspective of the method, descriptive-Correlation ...
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The purpose of this study was to determine the causal relationship between pull and push motives on the behavior of sports tourists: the Mediating role of satisfaction. The methodology of the present research has been applied in terms of purpose, and from the perspective of the method, descriptive-Correlation was specifically based on structural equation modeling using Smart PLS 3 software. The statistical population of the study included sports tourists using water sports of Ramsar. Among them, 298 people were selected by random sampling method with taking into account test power of 90% and utilizing from PASS Software. In the present study, the evaluations related to the face and content validity and convergent and discriminant validity were carried out based on the supporting standard opinions of experts in the fields of marketing and sports tourism, Composite Reliability, Average Variance Extracted, Heterotrait - Monotrait Ratio was conducted. Findings indicate a positive and significant effect on the direct path of motivations on the satisfaction and future behavior of sports tourists. The results indicate a positive and significant relationship between pull motivations, there was no significant relationship between pull incentives in relation to the motivation and future behavior of sports tourists. According to the results of the study, the necessity of thinking about measures to differentiate the motivations of sports tourists in recreational sports centers in order to satisfy their satisfaction and positive impact on their behavior towards managers, marketers of recreational centers is suggested.
Reza Andam; Zahra Karimi; Amir Montazeri
Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2017, , Pages 87-96
The purpose of this research was to analyzed the relationship between work ethic with job satisfaction and organizational commitment of events volunteers in sport. The method that applied in this research was descriptive-correlation. The research statistic population consists of all volunteers participating ...
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The purpose of this research was to analyzed the relationship between work ethic with job satisfaction and organizational commitment of events volunteers in sport. The method that applied in this research was descriptive-correlation. The research statistic population consists of all volunteers participating in twelfth sport-cultural Olympiad of male and female students of universities all around the country. In fact, 133 persons were evaluated as the sample of the research. For collecting data, it was used from two questionnaires work ethic of Petty (1990), satisfaction of volunteer experiences of Mallaei et al (2009) and organizational commitment of Allen and Mayer (1991). To determine the causal relationship between variables collected data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between work ethic and Satisfaction, work ethic and organizational commitment, Satisfaction and organizational commitment Volunteers. Also there is an indirect, positive and significant relationship the mediating role of satisfaction between work ethic and organizational commitment. It is recommended to athletic directors to increase satisfaction in sport volunteers by providing ethic codes and developing work ethic principles and through continue to develop their partnership.
Seyed Ahmad Nezhad Sajjadi; Mohammad Hossein Ghorbani; Seyed Jalil Mir Yousefi
Volume 3, Issue 4 , January 2017, , Pages 79-88
The porpuse of the present study was to investigating the role of satisfaction on the relation between service quality with sport commitment of women athlets. The research method was descriptive and Coefficient. The population of research was all of the costumer of body building clubs in Kerman proviance. ...
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The porpuse of the present study was to investigating the role of satisfaction on the relation between service quality with sport commitment of women athlets. The research method was descriptive and Coefficient. The population of research was all of the costumer of body building clubs in Kerman proviance. the population size was 2000 people and by using the Morgan chart the sample size obtained 322 people. the standard questioner of service quality (with satisfaction factors) of bahlakeh(1384) and sport commitment questioner of Scanlon et. al (1993) were used. The content an structural validity of the questioners in the bahlakeh research(1384) and fathi(1390) research was approved. for data analyzing descriptive statistical and Inferential Statistics such as Structural Equation Modeling were used. Result shoed Service quality have direct and significant effect on sport commitment of costumer of Kerman province clubs(T=4/75). service quality have indirect effect by satisfaction on sport commitment(T=9/94). Based on the findings, the quality of service and satisfaction are two important factors in sports commitment in body building and Aerobic clubs..
Habib Honari; Soheila Shojaei Borjuei; akbar faridfathi
Volume 1, Issue 2 , July 2014, , Pages 99-105
Nowadays, services have focused on clients in more exercise. This includes not only the quality of the steps, but customers are aware of the product includes. The study sample of 1060 clients 321 pools in Tehran, where customers randomly selected at random statistical sample. SERVQUAL scale was used ...
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Nowadays, services have focused on clients in more exercise. This includes not only the quality of the steps, but customers are aware of the product includes. The study sample of 1060 clients 321 pools in Tehran, where customers randomly selected at random statistical sample. SERVQUAL scale was used to evaluate variables. All the components of the quality of service (reliability, tangible factors, reliability, responsiveness, empathy) were observed between the pool and customer satisfaction. Empathy had highest correlation with customer satisfaction. Harmonious order, by looking at the customer's environment. Swimming pool and other sports facilities can train your staff and customers to establish social relationships more friendly between pools and deeper understanding of the real needs of our clients and for clients to create Smymytry atmosphere.
Vali Nowzari; Mohammads Hassan Boustani
Volume 1, Issue 1 , April 2014, , Pages 31-38
The present research was aimed at investigating the relationship between coaches' decision-making styles and the rate of satisfaction and burnout of men and women basketball premier league players in Iran in 90-91. This research was a correlation one and the statistical sample in the research included ...
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The present research was aimed at investigating the relationship between coaches' decision-making styles and the rate of satisfaction and burnout of men and women basketball premier league players in Iran in 90-91. This research was a correlation one and the statistical sample in the research included 201 male and female athletes (110 females and 91 males). The instruments used were decision–making style questionnaire of Scat and Borous, burnout questionnaire of athletes of Radak and Smith, as well as athletes’ satisfaction questionnaire of Cheladorai and Rimer. The reliability indices of the instruments were confirmed by Cronbach's alpha and their validity indices were achieved through factor analysis. To analyze the data, mean, frequency, percent, correlation coefficient, regression in step-by-step method, t-tests, and one-way ANOVA were used. Findings showed a positive and significant relationship between coaches' decision making styles (intellectual, perceptual, sudden, avoiding and dependency) and athletes' burnout (emotional exhaustion, performance decrease and devaluation). Also the results revealed there was a positive and significant relation between coaches' decision making styles and athletes' satisfaction (practice and training, personal behavior, individual and team accomplishment). Decision making styles explained 61% of athlete's burnout changes and had a negative and direct effect on the burnout factor while these styles explained 55% of athletes' satisfaction changes and had direct and positive effects on athletes’ satisfaction.