Sport Management
Reza Mohamadi; Hemat ala Bastami
This article was conducted with the aim of investigating the mediating role of strategic human resources management in the relationship between organizational virtue and professional ethics of employees of the General Department of Sports and Youth in Kermanshah province. The research method is a description ...
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This article was conducted with the aim of investigating the mediating role of strategic human resources management in the relationship between organizational virtue and professional ethics of employees of the General Department of Sports and Youth in Kermanshah province. The research method is a description of the type of correlation with the statistical population including all the employees of the Sports and Youth Department of Kermanshah province in the number of 238 people. for the required sample size, using the table of Karjesi and Morgan (1970), the number of 144 people is by stratified random sampling method. It was selected according to gender. The data collection tools were the standard professional ethics questionnaires of Cadozier (2002), the organizational virtue questionnaire of Cameron et al. (2004) and the strategic human resource management questionnaire of Chang and Hong (2005). The findings showed that in the research sample, the assumed model of relative mediation of strategic human resources management in the relationship between organizational virtue and professional ethics of the employees of the General Directorate of Sports and Youth of Kermanshah Province has a good fit with the data. In addition, the results showed that in the hypothesized model, all correlation coefficients and path coefficients of the model were statistically significant, and the mediator of strategic management of human resources of strategic human resources management in this model has a significant positive and indirect effect with an effect size of 0.144. In line with the findings, it is suggested that the existence of a model presented in sports organizations, provided that it is taken from the sports culture and the religious and religious society of the country, and also has the ability to be implemented and operationalized, can be effective in spreading ethical values and behaviors. or at least from the consequences of not following the principles Prevent morally.
fereshteh kotobi; mohsen fallah; Mohammad Mirrokni; majid namvar
The purpose of this study was to design a model for mediating the role of organizational citizenship behavior in relation to causal jihadi management and organizational virtue with the political behavior of employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth. The research method is descriptive-correlational ...
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The purpose of this study was to design a model for mediating the role of organizational citizenship behavior in relation to causal jihadi management and organizational virtue with the political behavior of employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth. The research method is descriptive-correlational and applied in terms of purpose. The statistical population of this study was the employees of the Deputy for Management Development and Support Resources of the Ministry of Sports and Youth and its number is 290 people. According to Cochran's formula, the number of samples was 127. The data collection tools of this study were Hejazifar Jihadi Management Questionnaire (2015), Organizational Virtue of Cameron et al. (2004), Shaker Ardakani Organizational Citizenship Behavior (2015) and Amir Sheibani (2001) Political Behavior. Structural equation modeling method under Smart PLS3 software was used to investigate the research model and validate the hypotheses. The results showed, it was found that the variable of jihadi management has a positive and significant effect on organizational virtue. Also, the positive and significant effect of organizational virtue on organizational citizenship behavior and organizational citizenship behavior on employees' political behavior was confirmed. But the effect of jihadi management variable on citizenship behavior was not confirmed. Regarding mediation relations, it was found that organizational virtue mediates the effect of jihadi management on organizational citizenship behavior. Citizenship behavior also plays a mediating role in the relationship between organizational virtue variables and employees' political behavior. However, the effect of mediating the variable of organizational citizenship behavior in the relationship between jihadi management and political behavior of employees was not confirmed.
alireza nazari; reza andam; hasan bahrololoum; Hossein Eydi
The purpose of the present study was to design and validate organizational virtue models in sport organizations. This study's objectives are functional and its content is descriptive correlative. The statistical Society of the study was all the managers and office staff of Sports and Youth organization ...
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The purpose of the present study was to design and validate organizational virtue models in sport organizations. This study's objectives are functional and its content is descriptive correlative. The statistical Society of the study was all the managers and office staff of Sports and Youth organization of the West of the country which was opted purposefully. Gathering the required data was conducted through questionnaires, the face value of of which was confirmed by the experts of the field (14 people). Also, its reliability was approved by using alpha Cronbach test (0.83) and combined reliability. LISREL-SPSS24 software was used in order to examine and analyze the data and also the process of the model through structural equations sampling. The results of the present study showed that the following factors had a significant role in in assessing the organizational virtue structure: organizational structure(0.76, organizational Justice (0.74), work ethics (0.72), spirituality at work (0.73), psychological capital (0.69), spiritual intelligence (0.75), quality of communication (0.91), educational investment ( 0.92), discipline (0.90), behavioral virtues(0.91), behavioral well-being (0.80), social dignity (0.96) and citizenship behavior (0.92). Based on the model, it can generally be stated that the sports and youth offices, by emphasizing on an individual and organizational discipline, pain special attention to holding educational courses, making efforts to improve social dignities and betterment of behavioral virtues can take major steps towards increasingly expanding their organizational virtue.
Shahram Nazari; Fateme Esmat shoar; Mehdi Mahmoodi yekta
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of human dignity based management on organizational cynicism of physical education teachers in Tehran with regard to the mediating role of organizational virtue. The purpose of this research was applied research and correlation research based on ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of human dignity based management on organizational cynicism of physical education teachers in Tehran with regard to the mediating role of organizational virtue. The purpose of this research was applied research and correlation research based on structural equation modeling which was conducted in field form. The statistical population of the study consisted of all teachers of physical education in the schools of Tehran in the academic year of 1398-98. In order to collect data, the questionnaires of humility and critical human dignity (1396), Cameroon et al. (2008), and Dean et al. (1998) were used. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data and Pearson correlation tests were used in SPSS software and structural equation modeling in AMOS software. The results showed that there is a negative significant relationship between human dignity management and organizational virtue with organizational cynicism and there is a positive significant relationship between human dignity management and organizational virtue. Based on the results of the research model, it was found that human dignity management had a significant negative effect on organizational skepticism and organizational virtue, and human dignity management had a significant positive effect on organizational virtue. It was also found that organizational virtue has a moderating role in the relationship between management based on human dignity and organizational cynicism.KeywordsHuman dignity management, organizational virtue, organizational cynicism, physical education teachers.
Akram Ghobadi Yeganeh; Sajad Gholami Torkslooye; Mehdi Rastegari
Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2017, , Pages 71-78
Corporate reputation is one of the most important issues in the management of the organization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Organizational Virtuousness on corporate reputation. For essence, the population of employees Youth and Sports Department of west province, according to ...
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Corporate reputation is one of the most important issues in the management of the organization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Organizational Virtuousness on corporate reputation. For essence, the population of employees Youth and Sports Department of west province, according to Morgan table 175 based on random stratified sample were examined. For measured of research’s Variable, Two questionnaires virtue and reputation of the organization was used to collect data of this research. Data were also analyzed by PLS software. The findings suggest the suitability of the model. Path analysis indicated it was from the perspective of employees the dimensions of organizational virtues ( In cloudingfaith, optimism, honesty, compassion and forgiveness ) is the only organizational trust does not have an impact on corporate reputation. Thus, managers of sports organizations by the growth and development could underlie the reputation of the organization to provide organizational virtues.